Sensual Rebirth
Let go of the Good Girl & become a Wildly Sensual Woman
If you're tired of feeling uncomfortable about your sensuality every time you try to connect with your partner, and you're ready to experience more pleasure in your body, your relationships and your life...
Then it's time to reclaim your sensuality!
Why is it that even though you take good care of your body, and repeat affirmations, you don't feel confident and sensual?
After years of practising as a somatic coach and facilitating transformations in the areas of sensual embodiment, emotional healing & relationships, I've quickly noticed that MOST WOMEN look for pleasure in the wrong places and as a result allow others to OWN this sacred power, leaving them feeling ashamed, disconnected and not enough.
Let me explain.
This is one of the most important (and fundamental) things you will ever learn in your life as a woman, mother and feminine leader & if you don't get it right now, it could cost you your relationships, thousands of dollars, physical & mental health...
Where most women try to "fix" themselves by going to another therapist, improving their appearance, getting into wrong relationships or settling for an average sex - what they're missing is the CRUCIAL step that comes before anything else:
(even a vibrator, trust me.. ;) )

We are being sold on pleasure everywhere we go…
Just think, how often have you reached for food, binge-watched Netflix, compulsively booked trips, chose the wrong partner or indulged in sex that didn't make you happy because you desperately wanted to feel some pleasure?
That's why in a world that wants you to feel disconnected from yourself, reclaiming your pleasure is the biggest act of activism & radical self-love. Without learning how to regulate your nervous system & expand your capacity for authentic pleasure, you will never experience the depths of pleasure you so long for.

To become a wildly sensual woman (uh, that’s hot!), you need to become truly intimate with yourself, your body & your emotions.
But here is the problem:
You think you are too busy (and you probably are!) with work and home life, so you operate mainly in masculine energy to meet life's demands... There is not much energy left for you & connection to your femminine essence.
You are too much in your head, intellectualising & overthinking everything.
You feel you don't have time for pleasure.
The very word "pleasure" makes you uncomfortable.
You wear too many masks (Good Mother. Perfectionist, Nice Woman, etc.) & you've forgotten your authentic essence
You don't even know how to talk to your partner & children about taking more time for yourself.
You focus on pleasing others more than on your own needs & desires.
"Desires? I don't even know what they are".
Say Goodbye to feeling disconnected from your pleasure & your sensuality
Disconnection from your body creates numbness to pleasure & your own needs, leaving you frustrated, leading to unfulfilling intimacy and feelings of loneliness, whether you are single or in a partnership.
You're constantly trying to prove you're a good mother, lover, partner or businesswoman, pushing yourself beyond your limits and wondering why no one appreciates you the way you want to be appreciated.
Then you feel less valued... less beautiful... less desired which creates even more self-doubt. You look in the mirror and you don't like what you see.
Long periods of not prioritising your pleasure take away your libido & vitality. You don't enjoy spending time with your loved ones or working on your projects as much as you'd like. It quickly spirals into a void of meaning. You feel that something really important is missing...
What will happen to your relationships if you remain disconnected from your pleasure?
A deep intimate & sensual relationship with yourself changes your relationship with your loved ones & your business.
Disconnection from your sensuality creates frustration and emotional pain and costs a lot of money when you spend on things that give you temporary pleasure (clothes, beauty treatments, travel, food, plant medicine, time spent scrolling etc.) but don't bring you ecstatic joy you're so worthy of having.
Being disconnected from your sensuality creates a lack of confidence & self-worth and will continue to sabotage your relationships because you don't feel worthy enough to receive that much pleasure. Owning your sensuality gives you more body confidence & enhances your intimate life. It gives you a sense of power when you look at yourself in the mirror without judgement.
Being disconnected from your sensuality makes you want to hide your voice, your talents & your feminine essence... Becoming a wildly sensual woman makes you magnetic and empowered even when someone is watching you in your full expression.
Disowning your sensuality makes your boundaries weak. Taking back your sensual power makes you better at communicating your needs, desires & boundaries.

How Embodied Revolution Empowers Women: Real Stories.

Anahita, Iran
After an abortion 11 years ago, I struggled with fear of pregnancy and trust issues with men, which led to blocked energy and a sense of heaviness in my intimate life. This emotional burden prevented me from fully enjoying intimacy and led to a decade of withdrawal and a perceived coldness in my relationships. In my first session with Aneta I found a safe space to address these issues and release them like an old bird from a cage. Aneta helped me to see my fears as limiting beliefs, allowing me to fully embrace intimacy. Weeks later, feeling much lighter, I entered a new relationship and comfortably discussed my past, leading to a transformative experience of full-body pleasure at 30. I highly recommend working with Aneta for deep healing and personal growth!!
Rebecca, UK
From beginning the sensual rebirth program, my intention was to repair my relationship with my daughter. And from that moment, it almost immediately it began to improve; only in small ways at first, but still that was an improvement. Then as I began to move more into my own power and strength it began to improve, even more.
However, since working with you in the 1:1 sessions, and the alchemical shift in me, the floodgates have opened and suddenly we are developing a deeply honest, open, nurturing and healthy relationship. In fact the relationship with all 3 of my children has improved.
I guess it turns out that I didn't need to repair the relationship with my daughter; I needed to repair my relationship with myself and see the damage that my attachment style can cause (not only in romantic relationships, but also familial and social relationships). So obvious really but so difficult to understand how to make it happen, until you feel it happening.
I know that I still have a long way to travel on my journey, but I feel stronger and more nurtured and more energised, through your guidance.

Laura, Poland/UK
I’m a better mother to my children. I let go of feeling like I have to constantly ‘give’. I learned how to receive too.I let go of the shame of being a woman on so many levels, such as bleeding or receiving pleasure (..).​
I understood that being uncomfortable is not a bad thing as this is a part of working with your shadows. I allow myself to feel uncomfortable because I know deep down that I’m safe.
My favourite practice was the wild woman archetype as it allowed me to surrender, express myself without guilt and even be sensual during the birth of my daughter."
Here is what you'll get
Embodiment journeys​
Somatic practices
Ebooks & Videos ​
OPTIONAL: 12 x 1:1 Bespoke Somatic Coaching sessions with me
Here's what you'll learn inside each module:
Module I Felt Sense of Safety: It builds foundations for the entire program and sets you up for our work together so you can make the most of it.
You will learn how to recalibrate the nervous system and anchor your body in safety which will allow you to do deeper, emotional work leaving you feeling juicy and nourished. At the end of this module you will learn how to create a felt sense of safety in your body & you discover feminine archetypes rooted in the survival mechanisms of the nervous system.
Module II Sensual Emotional Alchemy: You’ll learn how to alchemise any emotion using the power of your eros.
Module II & III Somatic Shadow Work: in this module you will fall in love with parts of yourself that you have been pushing into the shadows
Module IV Wounded Feminine: how to Heal the abandonment wound
Module V Wildly Sensual: this module is about self-love & unleashing your wild sensual feminine nurture.
Module VI Dark Masculine: this module is designed to help you heal wounds with masculine figures from your life, as well as your inner masculine, and in doing so, create an intimate relationship with him and the men in your life.
Module VII Erotic Sovereignty: this module is all about connection to your heart, your womb, your yoni & your pleasure.
Meet Your Coach

It's a pleasure to meet you!
I’m Aneta, your pleasure & sensual embodiment coach.
I have done a lot of work on myself to reignite my sensuality & unfreeze my body. I'm not perfect, but I have gone from being numb, self-critical & controlling to feeling alive, blissful and in love.
Throughout my years as a somatic coach, I've noticed that most women try to intellectualise their way to more pleasure & most coaching programmes don't teach trauma-informed tools for nervous system regulation and more pleasure.
I created Sensual Rebirth to help women tap into the wisdom of their own bodies and become more empowered & sensual leaders.
I believe that a woman with a nervous system open to pleasure is the most powerful woman in the world. Will you be one of them?

Feeling empowered to initiate intimacy with your partner
Being able to experience pleasure on a deeper level
Feeling deeply connected to your partner
Feeling sexy while getting things done at home & in your business
Relating with confidence because you've healed your wounds and feel so worthy of the partnership of your dreams.

Sensual Rebirth is not just a coaching programme where you sit back and receive information.
It is my signature programme, born from my own embodied experience and based on practical science drawn from Somatics, Psychology, Neurobiology & Eastern traditions such as Tantra or Taoism.
It is an embodiment journey that will help you to anchor in safety & joy, discover the woman you are without all the masks you are used to wearing and create a life you are so worthy of having.
This programme is a highly transformative living and breathing library that gives you access to your own inner library - the wisdom of your body that every high quality woman needs to feel confident & truly embrace her sensuality at every stage of her life... as a mother, as a lover or as a female leader in business! Mhmm, yes and more please.